
School days back in Real Estate

I like slow days like today in real estate. Days like this, after all my work is finished, and there is really nothing more to do in Wichita office, it's time to go to school. To use the time to learn a little 'down time and something.

Learning is a continuous process. It starts when we are born and do not always work. Experience teaches us, as our mentors, the books we read, people who listen to us and to our environment around us. The process of learning or experience, it is natural, but can also be cultivated. We can try to cram more information into our brains and make us know more and better ourselves and our position in life.

Brian Tracy teaches the best practices of time management, or the best method to use or gain time. One way is to use the time to enjoy what he calls Automobile University. Every time I have somewhere in my car, I have to go to a CD for learning. It might be something on a given topic, a motivational seminar or even the ability to repeat something that I have. Now, I do not waste time getting from one place to another, but to use my full and career development. Just like killing two birds with one stone. Never do this route.

If you think your boring, just the act of recognition eliminates the possibility of boredom. There are always reading books. For many, in fact, time is not enough. Internet offers instructional videos and classes literally in our hands. Have you ever heard someone tell a child may discover that "I'm bored, nothing to do." Instead, there is much to do. More effective for an informed decision that takes time to do so.

I am in real estate, so that what I learned. Visiting the blogs and websites by expert real estate professionals on sites like Active Rain, there is much to learn. How to search effectively, for example, or how to handle a difficult customer. Lately, I have my skills in search engine optimization and knowledge increase of 100% or more simply by reading a blog mans. To count for a lot of lessons or to enumerate here.

The best way to learn more about the company or you are in any situation is improving for people who have had success there before asking. Just ask. I have rarely met a successful real estate agent, who was not willing to share his knowledge and experience. The best way to come to where you want to go, who learn from you. So maybe you can improve from there, but do not waste time looking for knowledge, if it is just in front of you.

So, days like today, I take the time and find something to learn. Some way to improve my business and my soul. Read a book, listen to a seminar or pull something on the network. However, I do not want to waste my time.


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